The market is presently focusing on high quality textile.The spinning plants
operating in poland use ca.10.5 thousand tonnes of flax fibre per year.Hemp fibre
however isused mainly in the production of environmentally friendly insulation plates
for the construction industry.It is estimated that the demand for this kind of fibre in
the domestic industry amounts to3-4thousand tonnes/year.According to the
presented date the absorption capacity of the Polish market of flax and hemp fibre is
great,though very tough quality requirement sare placed on that resource.This in
turn is the reason why such a big part of fibres is imported and not produced in
Poland.Domestic production is insufficient and does not meet the quality
requirements placed on the production of precious textiles.The increasingly tougher
textile production requirements focus on precious and delicate fax fibres and allow
for the production of less than 50 tex yarn.From such yarn fabrics of low basis
weight are obtained.These are used mainly for the production of clothes(shirts,
blouses,dresses,suitsetc.)and there foreboost the economic effectiveness of linen