Hello my ID63332949 name LINYUGUAN, we're 0384 August 31, 2015, tail number from the credit card payment has been successful $ 1018, in December, Dubai travel packages 17--21, money already paid for success, our friend to participate in this package with 10 people, a total of five rooms booked, their order numbers are: 150583 150565 150,579 I have not received an order number, We is first times participate in dream of tour, not understand operation, is friends of son help we ordered of, we to Dubai Hou only know no we of staying name, later company Butler to we again card make has 1400 dollars to and friends are with participate in Dubai tour, we call and company of customer service contact has, and description has we such of thing, customer service requirements submitted we payment of bank trading single, now we put August 31, 2015 payment of 1018 dollars of trading single print out has, Verification, we have paid, payment documents show the payee is ROVIATRAVEL 9728055200, our email has not received an order number, my background and there is no order, and that's why, check companies well, and returned to the us on December 17 in Dubai paid $ 1400, thank you. Emergency, which has made our trip very unhappy, affects relationships, please as soon as possible, thank you. Have uploaded our bank payment orders twice.Money has was company from credit card in designated go has, Bill also print out has, problem is now mailbox in find not to orders contract, asked has online customer service also said find not to, we only bank payment of trading single, we does is has pay had money has, please company financial verification, why make has money has, we of background is no get orders number, mailbox also no received, caused we to Dubai Hou and again pay money to tourism, this thing on we of trip produced great of not happy, on company produced great of not trust, Also directly affect our 5 family travel together emotion, want the company to resolve the matter as soon as possible, thank you!