SLOTH focuses on the good aspects of its job. It’s aware of the things that could be better, but instead of dwelling on them it feels grateful for what’s going well.RAT struggles to switch off when it goes home. It doesn’t feel as though it’s got enough done, and its mind is on what it needs to do the following day.SLOTH is happy with the things it has achieved, and manages to enjoy its everything without worrying about work.HOW TO BE MORE SLOTHTurn down the meetings you don’t really need to attend and concentrate in the ones you do go to. Try to be a good listener, staying fully aware.Unlike sloths, humans naturally focus on the things that are going wrong. But it’s possible to shift your mind out of this habit. Make a conscious effort to think about the things you’ve done well recently.When you leave work, try throwing yourself into something that induces a tranquil, sloth state, like reading, painting or walking. Switching to an activity that’s different from your job can help you relax quicker.