EGY NAGY KUPAC SZAR AZ EGÉSZ || Semmit sem takarított ki, se a telefonomról, se a tabletemről! Letöltöttem a Clean Master-t és több mint 1gb szemetet takarított el(pontosam1,27gb-ot).
A BIG HEAP OF SHIT ALL OVER || Nothing is cleaned out, the telefonomról, the tabletemről! I downloaded a Clean Master and more than 1 GB of trash cleaned out (pontosam1, 27gb).
A pile of crap all || cleaned out of anything, not even my phone nor the tabletemről! I downloaded the Clean Master is more than 1GB, and cleaned out the garbage (pontosam1,27gb was).
a big pile of shit the whole | | nothing to clean up or the phone, or the tabletemről. i downloaded the clean master and more than 1g of garbage cleaning (pontosam1,27gb%).