Weekly Horoscope for Leo
Your stars show a lot of discussion and fixing the 25th and it is not JUST from Mercury going direct in Aquarius, it is from you 'finally taking control' of something you MAY have allow to get OUT of your control; perhaps you didn't realize it was happening OR, didn't know it would ultimately be so important... either way; you appear to regain whatever you feel you put at risk or lost. Spending on 'practical needs' may practically break you the 26th to 28th and then spending effectively the 28/29th for 'enjoyable things' may further dent your wallet; be careful what you 'promise' especially to a spouse. Most of you have youth 'totally in control' but not so with wife/hubby.
Outside of the 'smashing success' the 25th can bring, we have the health issues of the 26/27th, bright cheerful talkative energies of the 28/29th and the more 'sultry' sexual drives that may surface 'quite by surprise' and catch you 'not ready' the 30/31st. Now that is how it is SUPPOSED to go; some of you will be off by a day; sooner or later. Your marital status may make a difference, especially if you HAVE no one to BE sexual with... in that case, you've but to go out and LOOK... but you also must be willing for 'one night stands'. They suck and you hate them but if may be all there is for now. The rest, you can PLAN for... Read the weekly partner horoscope...
IF you don't 'set aside time' for pals... you won't have any. That means 'somewhat' THIS week and BIG TIME next week. IF you know you are in a bad space, do NOT schedule important 'fun things' for NEXT week, as it is your worst and if you already KNOW what kind of sh*t may be hitting the fan, it might be a really good idea to TELL the 'nearest and dearest' that you may 'need them' next week and give them a head's up -- along with a warning you may not 'be at your best'.
The 25th appears to be 'your big day' for whatever reason. You hold the most clout... cooperation is great and nothing 'of any real degree' ...gets in your way. You can do two or three days work by yourself the 25th than TRY to muddle through things the 27th; which is NOT your best day... and the PM of the 28th appears to rank up there with 'good luck just surviving it'. Maybe going home early ...if you can... will help!
Showing its 'vulnerable' openings to you!
Overview for Leo
State of Mind: Eager to 'exploit' expand and any 'ex' you can get!
Karma Numbers: 6, 11, 15, 26, 51
Buzz Words: Mix it up!
Compatible Sign: Virgo and Libra!
Weekly Horoscope for Leo Family: Your stars show a lot of discussion and fixing the 25th and it is not JUST from Mercury going direct in Aquarius, it is from you 'finally taking control' of something you MAY have allow to get OUT of your control; perhaps you didn't realize it was happening OR, didn't know it would ultimately be so important... either way; you appear to regain whatever you feel you put at risk or lost. Spending on 'practical needs' may practically break you the 26th to 28th and then spending effectively the 28/29th for 'enjoyable things' may further dent your wallet; be careful what you 'promise' especially to a spouse. Most of you have youth 'totally in control' but not so with wife/hubby. Love: Outside of the 'smashing success' the 25th can bring, we have the health issues of the 26/27th, bright cheerful talkative energies of the 28/29th and the more 'sultry' sexual drives that may surface 'quite by surprise' and catch you 'not ready' the 30/31st. Now that is how it is SUPPOSED to go; some of you will be off by a day; sooner or later. Your marital status may make a difference, especially if you HAVE no one to BE sexual with... in that case, you've but to go out and LOOK... but you also must be willing for 'one night stands'. They suck and you hate them but if may be all there is for now. The rest, you can PLAN for... Read the weekly partner horoscope... Friendship: IF you don't 'set aside time' for pals... you won't have any. That means 'somewhat' THIS week and BIG TIME next week. IF you know you are in a bad space, do NOT schedule important 'fun things' for NEXT week, as it is your worst and if you already KNOW what kind of sh*t may be hitting the fan, it might be a really good idea to TELL the 'nearest and dearest' that you may 'need them' next week and give them a head's up -- along with a warning you may not 'be at your best'. Career: The 25th appears to be 'your big day' for whatever reason. You hold the most clout... cooperation is great and nothing 'of any real degree' ...gets in your way. You can do two or three days work by yourself the 25th than TRY to muddle through things the 27th; which is NOT your best day... and the PM of the 28th appears to rank up there with 'good luck just surviving it'. Maybe going home early ...if you can... will help! Finances: Showing its 'vulnerable' openings to you!Overview for Leo State of Mind: Eager to 'exploit' expand and any 'ex' you can get! Karma Numbers: 6, 11, 15, 26, 51 Buzz Words: Mix it up! Compatible Sign: Virgo and Libra!