For some programs there are compulsory courses in which you must enrol. However, in many programs you may be required to select a few, or even all, of your courses. In some programs you may be required to take a placement course consisting of a period of practical, work-related experience.
From the Courses and Programs website you can access information on all courses and programs offered at UQ. Simply visit and enter the course code, course name, or program name into the search box. Here you will be able access course profiles, program rules, entry requirements and prerequisites. Course profiles contain all the information you need to know about a course including aims and objectives, teaching, learning and assessment activities and required and recommended resources. Once you have enrolled in a course, you will also have access to the full course profile through mySI-net.
The Orientation program provides sessions on academic advising and course selection, understanding the timetable and using the Library. For advice on the Orientation program visit the Orientation website.
Faculty and School websites also have course information for the programs they co-ordinate. For more information about course selection, first year planners, and program information start with the following webpages in each faculty.