Despite the positive potential of motivational strategies, their effectiveness may also be contingent upon the extent to which learners perceive that their teachers are using these strategies. In their study of teacher motivational strategies and learner perceptions, Bernaus and Gardner (2008) concluded that, “for the strategies to be effective in influ- encing students’ attitudes and motivation, they must be perceived as such.” The authors suggested that teachers assess their students’ perceptions of the motivational strategies that they implement.
For the beginning teacher, it is important to recognize that motivational factors play an important but complex role in language learning and performance in a language classroom. Figure 1.5 illustrates a theory-based framework for imple- menting motivational L2 teaching practices (Dörnyei, 2001) based largely on creating a supportive and engaging environment that is goal-oriented and personalized to the interests of learners.
■???? What are some considerations you need to keep in mind about the motivation of your students?
FiGuRe 1.5 The Components of a Motivational Teaching Practice