The normal asymmetry and variability of human form and movement function have been specified in research. These studies showed that many movements are carried out asymmetrically. These asymmetrical forms can be related to the asymmetrical movement function.In addition to the general diagnostics, MTU is characterized by specific diagnostics. By means of this specific manual-therapeutic analysis the individual preference of functioning model of the patient is drawn up through documentation and interpretation of the individual asymmetry in form, posture and movement . Some explanations of the measurements and movements are: (preferred) hand folding; (preferred) arm folding; which eye is master eye; leg use in (preferred) kicking of abal.Thepurposehereistodescribetheoptimal direction and position of movement axes for all joints according to this model.When composing this model, firstly the individual characteristics (a number of preferred movements, a number of asymmetrical aspects of posture and form) are assessed. Documentation, notation and interpretation of these characteristics take place according to a protocol.