2. When we attach the tank lid onto the pyrex tank, we have to push down hard onto the tank lid compressing on the silicone ring and then after this, we can start screwing on the screw threads to close the tank.
1. This is different to the Round 1 clearomisers, when we start screwing onto the screw thread before the tank lid makes contact with the glass tank
3. After we attach the tank lid onto the tank, the volume of the liquid reduces from 2.0 ml to about 1.75 ml
4. When we remove the airflow adjuster piece from the bottom of the tank, we see that there is leakage at the bottom, that we believe is leaking from the hole at the bottom of the atomiser
5. Our thoughts that there is increased compression in the tank that is forcing the liquid to move from the tank and into the inner atomiser tube and down the atomiser into the airflow adjuster section of the tank
6. Other observations with the tank
1. The depth of of the underside of the tank lid is much deeper than for Round 1 clearomisers. What was the reason for this change? Is this having an impact on the compression on the tank? Please confirm?