contactado em junho/08..disse que tem contrato pelos próximos 2 anos com ITW, mas disse para mandar e-mail para ficar com nosso contato. Contatei novamente set/09 e disse q é exclusivo ITW.
contacted in June/08 said he has a contract for the next 2 years with ITW, but said to send e-mail to keep our contact. Contacted again set/09 and said q is exclusive ITW.
contacted in June / 08..disse that has a contract for the next two years with ITW, but said to send e-mail to stay with our contact. I contacted again Sep / 09 and said q is unique ITW.
Back in June / 08..disse has the contract for the next 2 years with ITW, but told me to send e - mail to stay with our contact. I again set / 09 and said he is exclusive ITW.