Die Lieferung ist als Ausfuhrlieferung (Lieferung in ein Drittland) gemäß § 4 Nr. 1 Buchst. a, § 6 UStG von der Umsatzsteuer befreit. Umsatzsteuer ist deshalb nicht ausgewiesen.
The delivery is as export delivery (delivery in a third country) Book according to § 4 No. 1. a, § 6 UStG exempt from the sales tax. VAT is therefore notexpelled.
The delivery is considered an export delivery (delivery to a third country) in accordance with § 4 Nr. 1 pt. A, § 6 UStG exempt from VAT. VAT is therefore not disclosed.
the supply and delivery (in a third country export supply) pursuant to section 4 (1) (a). a, article 6 of the tax exempt land. turnover tax is notdesignated.