This tool provides you with the capability to quickly and easily generate the shapes you wish for your bodies and outfits.
Furthermore, it uses a simple configuration and data format, allowing it to be expanded to work for any body or armor.
You can open up the Outfit Studio part of the program by clicking the button at the bottom right of the BodySlide UI.
In OS, it is possible to simply convert an outfit from one body type to another by using conversion references
or create your very own BodySlide data for outfits by adding slider functionality to them.
It is also possible to create mashups of various outfits you like by loading them all into the program,
keeping the shapes you like and deleting the ones you don't.
You can use the existing mod managers to install BodySlide (see Nexus mod page for Mod Organizer guide).
However, you can also simply copy the BodySlide directory and its contents to anywhere on your hard drive.
Keeping BodySlide in this folder will enable everyone to create installers or archives for BodySlide addons.
If you choose to install BodySlide to somewhere else, remember where, so you can organize it manually.
BodySlide will attempt to use the Windows Registry when you run it to determine the location of the game data directory.
If the game is not found, or you wish to have BodySlide save files in a different location,
you can easily edit the "Config.xml" file to indicate an alternate location.
Once BodySlide is installed, you can install BodySlide compatible outfits, so you can build them with your own shape preset.
NOTE: BodySlide does not come with or install textures for the bodies/outfits - you will need to install these mods separately.
There are currently only a few available options for using BodySlide and Outfit Studio.
Some are found in the settings dialog and a few more exist in the "Config.xml" file, such as:
: Group aliases provide a way for presets saved under older group names to still apply when a group has been renamed.
You can also merge several groups into one by linking them to eachother.
and : Sets the minimum and maximum slider values for the BodySlide UI.
This can help making you experiment more easily with sliders. There might be clipping outside of the 0-100 range!
Template Name (example):
Templates are shortcuts to loading a slider set as a reference in Outfit Studio. You can add them yourself.
* After conforming, you can use the "Slider -> Load Slider Preset" function to view an outfit as it will look with your favorite BodySlide preset.
In fact, you can use this to export a specific body shape without having to use BodySlide. The preferred method should be saving the project for use in it, though.
* To quickly set all sliders to 0, use "Slider -> Load Slider Preset" and just click OK with "Zero All" selected.
* Conforming an outfit to sliders will often create a result that is good enough, but usually a little tweaking will help get it looking just right.
Look carefully for areas of the outfit that clip with the body for each slider, and for areas of the outfit that seem misshapen or bumpy.
Use the tweak brushes to correct these areas, and remember that just a little bit of editing is probably all you need.
* Breast area sliders tend to require the most tweaking after conform, particularly the extreme shapes (SH and SSH are egregious). Watch this area carefully.
* For outfits with skirts, the upper thigh area tends to require some tweaking to conform well, since the shape of the legs is so different from the shape of a skirt.
* If you make tweaks to a slider but aren't happy with the results, you can always reconform to return to the original conformed state and try again.
* You can conform to one slider at a time by unchecking all the sliders you don't want to conform in the slider list. This lets you reset tweaks to one slider without touching the others.
* Use a mask to prevent part of your outfit from conforming. To paint a mask, select the Mask brush or hold CTRL with any other brush selected.
* If conforming causes a part of the mesh to be severely twisted or distorted (strings/straps over the chest and belly tend to exhibit this problem),
mask those areas out prior to conforming and adjust them to fit by hand.
* Before conforming an outfit to a slider set, examine the outfit's fit to the base shape carefully. Edit the outfit to correct any clipping or poorly fitting areas,
and you'll have less tweaking to do for each conformed slider.
* Always correct any base outfit shape problems befor