Richard here...
As I'm sure you already know, one my favorite things to do is learn.
Doesn't matter the subject - if it's interesting to me - the process of learning and growing just makes me *feel* good.
It's done wonders not just for my skills but also my general emotional state.
When I'm learning and growing you can bet I'm going to be pretty happy and positive.
I've spoken with lots of friends and they've all found the same to be true.
Reading books is great but as we all know, it can be tough to find the time and energy to get through material on a consistent basis. Especially if you're not the fastest reader!
What I've found works for me is simply downloading audiobooks and letting them play in the background while I do things around the house or while I'm just chilling out playing PS4.
So naturally...
I'm *very* excited that my best-selling book "The Natural" is now available on Audible.
Now, I've probably told you a jillion times to get the book and that its great... and you've probably had friends tell you to do the same... but this is me telling you that if you haven't yet grabbed it because sludging through books isn't your thing... or you are one of the hundreds of thousands of guys who has grabbed it but maybe you haven't cracked the cover open...
Then Head On Over To Audible And Pick Yourself Up A Copy
Its obviously super affordable and I love the way it turned out.
I've had a lot of positive feedback from guys already on the delivery and how digestible it is in this format so this is something you'll want to take a look at.
OK, that's it from me.
Tons of killer content in the weeks ahead - been hard at work and it won't be long before I'm able to get all of this new material into your hands.
Talk soon,
Rich (Gambler)
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