Contents of the final exam
1. Translate the following into Chinese 60%/ 英翻中
2. Translate the following terms into Chinese (Diplomacy) 15%/ 專有名詞英翻中(外交)
3. Write 15 terms you learn in this class after the midterm exam (in both English and Chinese) 15%/ 寫出期中考後學到的15個專有名詞(英文及中文)
4. Summarize the issue related to the climate conference held in Paris this year, and comment on the news coverage 10% (or top news of 2015/ general comment, and your personal reflections)
請概述, 今年在巴黎舉行的氣候會議並請評論該新聞報導(或是寫出2015年前十大新聞並加以以個人立場做評論)