PROMAQ Máquinas es una empresa nueva, en pleno crecimiento. Contamos con un plantel de profesionales y técnicos altamente capacitados para satisfacer las necesidades tanto en planta como así también en nuestro taller, lo que nos permite adecuarnos a las calidades requeridas por nuestros clientes.
Nuestros servicios están respaldados por la experiencia, trabajos diarios y una alta calidad de resolución de problemas. Con la incorporación de tecnología de avanzada, buscamos mejorar nuestro nivel de atención, conforme al requerimiento de los clientes y a sus necesidades potenciales en todas las aéreas de nuestro alcance, poniendo especial énfasis a todo lo que implique servicio, reparaciones y venta de repuestos.
Con la seriedad del asesoramiento de nuestros profesionales, podemos programar trabajos en tiempos razonables al más bajo costo del mercado.
Nuestro objetivo es ser una empresa eficaz y de óptima calidad cumpliendo con el deseo del cliente.
PROMAQ machines is a new company in full growth. We have a staff of professionals and highly trained technicians to meet the needs of both on the ground as well as in our workshop, which allows us to adapt to the qualities required by our clients.Our services are backed by experience, daily tasks and a high quality of problem solving. With the incorporation of advanced technology, we seek to improve our level of care, in accordance with the requirement of customers and potential needs in all the areas of our scope, with special emphasis to everything that involves service, repairs and spare parts.With the advice of our professional seriousness, we can schedule jobs at reasonable times at the lowest cost in the market.Our goal is to be a company efficient and optimal quality fulfilling the desire of the customer.

Promaq Machines is a new company growing. We have a team of professionals and highly trained technicians to meet the needs on the ground as well as in our workshop, which allows us to adapt to the quality demanded by our customers. Our services are backed by experience, daily work and high quality troubleshooting. With the addition of advanced technology, we seek to improve our level of care, according to the requirement of customers and their potential needs in all areas of our reach, putting special emphasis on everything that involves service, repairs and spare parts. With the seriousness of the advice of our professionals, we can schedule jobs at the lowest reasonable cost market times. our goal is to be an effective and high quality fulfilling the desire of the client company.

PROMAQ Machines is a new company in full growth. We have a team of professionals and highly trained technicians to meet the needs both in Plant and in our Workshop, which allows us to adapt to the quality required by our customers.Our services are supported by the daily work experience, and a high resolution Quality problems. With the Incorporation of Advanced Technology, we improve our level of attention, according to the requirement of customers and their potential needs in all areas of our Scope, placing special emphasis on everything involving Service, repair and sale of spare parts.With the seriousness of the advice of our Professionals, we can schedule jobs in reasonable times at the lowest cost in the market.Our goal is to be a effective and optimal Quality complying with the client"s wishes.