Hello everyone. A tropical island, my dad,the sea, a turtle, a test. What do these things have incommon? Well, they were all part of one of the mostmemorable experiences I’ve had in my life. Today,I’d like to tell you about that experience. I’ll describewhat happened and how I felt and explain why thatexperience is so memorable to me now.It happened when I was 14. I was on a vacation withmy parents on the island of Maui. My dad’s a diver, andhe loves the sea. So one day, he asked me if I wantedto try scuba diving. At fi rst, I said no because it seemedscary. My dad just said, “Th at’s OK, but I really hopewe can go diving together someday.” When he saidthat, I decided to try it.I started my diving course the next morning. To beginwith, I watched a video about diving safety, and thenwe went into the pool to practice basic skills. I hadtrouble with some of them, but my instructor, MiYoung, kept encouraging me. After lunch, I did my fi rstdive in the sea. It was absolutely terrifying! When wefi rst got into the water, my heart was pounding. I wasscared the whole time. I didn’t enjoy it, and I wantedto quit, but Mi Young said, “Don’t worry, tomorrowwill be better.”Th e next day, I did my second dive. I was still uneasy atfi rst, but after a while I began to feel more comfortableunderwater. Th en something wonderful happened. Wewere near a coral reef with lots of fi sh, and suddenly Isaw a huge green turtle swimming next to me. It was soawesome! After that, I completely forgot my fear, and Ibegan to notice the amazing underwater world.On the last day, I passed my fi nal test and fi nished thecourse. Mi Young smiled and said, “Congratulations,you’re now a diver!” And my dad said, “Way to go,son. I’m very proud of you.” I was also proud of myselfbecause it was challenging and I didn’t give up. And Iwas really excited about diving with my dad.So, in closing, I can say that my diving adventure wasdefi nitely an experience to remember. It helped megain more confi dence in myself, and it taught meappreciation for our beautiful underwater world.Most of all, it gave me a fun, interesting hobby I canshare with my dad. Now, I hope hearing about mymemorable experience encourages you to share yours.Th ank you.