Can you share the following regarding the Vietnam baghouse:
· Tube sheet layout drawing for bag to bag spacing and bag to wall/stiffener/obstruction spacing
· Compartment arrangement drawing
· If the inlet into the compartment was through the side wall, was a baffle plate used inside the compartment
· If internal baffle plate was used inside the compartment, what are the details of the baffle plate i.e. is it solid throughout, perforated throughout, how far does it extend upward and downward, is it straight, if it extends into the top of the hopper does it follow the contour of the hopper, etc. How were these details determined
· Inlet and outlet manifold drawing
· What velocities were used in the inlet manifold and outlet manifold
· Was a CFD run or physical model, please share results
· How was diaphragm valve sized? A 65NB valve doesn’t seem large enough for a 9.4m bag while pulsing 17 bags. Do we have a computer program for valve sizing?