Backfat in pigs consists of water, collagen, and lipid. Apart from age, body weight, and number of estrusexpression, backfat thickness is one of the significant parameters to consider when selecting female pigs into breedingherds since it dominates a number of reproductive performances, e.g. puberty attainment, total piglets born (TB), andfarrowing rate. Besides, backfat is one of the significant sources of hormones related to puberty attainment, such asleptin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), and progesterone (P4). Evaluation of backfat thickness is majorly performedby an A-mode ultrasonography at P2 position; it provides more accurate body condition than visual scoring. Highbackfat gilts attain puberty earlier than low backfat gilts. Moreover, gilts with high backfat thickness at inseminationdeliver one more piglet than low backfat gilts. Furthermore, piglets born from high backfat gilts have higher growthrate and weaning weight than those born from low backfat gilts. Besides, removal opportunity is frequently found inlow backfat gilts since they produce very small litter size. During pregnancy and lactation periods, husbandmen shouldfrequently monitor sows’ body weight to protect backfat loss, especially in first and second parities. Lactating sowswith high relative weight loss have considerably long weaning-to-service interval. To acquire decent reproductiveperformance of sow in higher parity, replacement gilts should possess backfat thickness of 18.0-23.0 mm at the firstinsemination and should have body weight control to protect backfat loss during gestation and lactation periods.