Pickle your foods to make them last longer!
Pickle Barrel:
- Allows pickling of food
- Craftable on the Science Machine in the Food tab
- Takes 1.5 days to fully pickle food
- Currently pickles: beet, berries, cabbage, carrot, corn, cucumber, eggplant, egg, fish, mushroom, onion, pigs foot, pumpkin, radish, watermelon
New vegetables:
- Added: beet, cabbage, cucumber, onion, potato, radish
- Grow on farms
- Have a random chance of growing from generic seeds (except potato)
- Can be fed to birds for veggie-specific seeds (except potato)
- Potatoes are grown on farms by planting potatoes (not seeds). Harvesting potatoes from a farm will yield 1-3 potatoes.
- Can be cooked on a fire for the cooked version of each veggie
- Beets, onions, potatoes, and radishes grow wild in the world (Pickle It needs to be active at world gen)
- Wild potatoes must be dug up with a Shovel
New items:
- Pigs feet: 1-2 dropped by pigs; can be cooked, dried, and pickled
- Pickle sword: craftable on the Science Machine in the Fight tab
We aim to balance the Pickle Barrel so that it isn't overpowered. While it makes food last longer, there is a trade-off with the pickled versions of most foods.
If you have any feedback or ideas, please leave a comment!
Don't Starve version:
You can also play Pickle It in the original Don't Starve!
- If anything is invisible after installing the mod, try restarting the game.
- If you are getting a lot of pickled mush, make sure the food you put in the pickle barrel is not about to rot. Also, make sure you are trying to pickle foods that are picklable. Anything that isn't picklable will result in pickled mush.