The YAW pilot-product formulated in the first part of thisstudy (a dairy-based dip containing >60% YAW) performed as well as successful commercialsamples in sensory studies, implying that YAW is a suitable ingredient to be used bymanufacturers in significant proportions in commercial formulations. Additionally, the “Salsacon queso dipping sauce” made with YAW had a similar or better nutritional profile than thecommercial controls.ixConcluding on the viability of using YAW as a majority ingredient in sauces dressingsand dips, a Ranch dressing formula was developed using buttermilk, which was then replacedwith YAW at varied concentrations to assess the boundaries of its utilization and correspondingeffects on nutrition and shelf-life, both of which were positive. We demonstrate that 15-17 ºBrixYAW leads to on-par consumer acceptability with buttermilk Ranch dressing. Yogurt AcidWhey was therefore shown to be a suitable ingredient in the sauces, dressings and dipscategory, provided selection of appropriate host products and minor processing adaptations.