Cream colored oil treated powder or granule. Use water spray, foam, carbon dioxide or dry powder to
extinguish fires. Wear full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus when
fighting fire. During fire situations fumes of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide may be
emitted. Avoid dust formation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid releasing into the environment.
Product is toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
HMIS Rating: Health – 1, Flammability – 1, Reactivity – 0, Personal Protection Equipment – F* - safety
glasses, protective gloves, apron, dust mask
*This is recommended personal protection equipment, final personal protection equipment should be
determined by the plant safety department based on the actual conditions under which the product is used.
Potential Health Effects:
Eye: Dust and fumes may cause irritation.
Skin Contact: May cause irritation. Classified as a skin sensitizer by OSHA
Ingestion: Is not expected to be an important route of entry. May cause digestive system irritation.
Inhalation: May cause irritation.
Chronic & Carcinogenicity: No NTP or IARC materials.