[10 / 18: 45) 39: good morning, 1179 351 083 [10 / 18: 45) 39, 351 083 1179: i told you "[10 / 18: 46] 39, 351 083 1179: i'm recevoire my money in paypal i will change its - 1 [10 / 18: 46] 39, 351 083 1179: i haven't received the" [10 / 18: 46] 39, 351 083 1179: it takes two or three days to paypal and translational (10 / 30, 47] 39, 351 083 1179.when i'm in my 1 when it's in my paypal account, i'll give you information "[10 / 18: 47] 39, 351 083 1179: ok