We can appreciate that we can consider movement in terms of positionality as a structure, grid, trajectory (yet wringing the movement from it as we do so), but to get closer to movement in itself we can also appreciate that movement has qualities such as smooth, rapid, powerful, jerky, etc., that we can name and comprehend. Massumi offers more provocative ideas: “When a body is in motion, it does not coincide with itself. It coincides with its own transition: its own variation. ... In motion, a body is an immediate, unfolding relation to its own nonpresent potential to vary. The relation ... is real but abstract. ... To think of the body in movement thus means accepting the paradox that there is an incorporeal dimension of the body. Of it, but not it. Real, material, but incorporeal.” (Pp. 4- 5). Movement then, while of the body, is virtual.