In the case of Group 3’s intensive intervention program, for participants who received extra healthexaminations pre- and post- intervention we measured MetS indicators including WC, and BP.We alsomeasured FG, HDL-C, and TG which uses peripheral blood. The medical lab technicians performedthe hematologic exam using a portable clinical chemistry analyzer (“SAMSUNG LABGEOpt10”).The measured MetS indicators were used to calculate a MetS score, or continuous metabolic syndromescore [31]. This MetS score is calculated by summing the values of the z-scores of five MetS indicators.A lower score indicates a positive effect of the intervention. The MetS was calculated as follows: In thecase of men, z-score = [(40 HDL-C)/9.0] + [(TG 150)/81.0] + [(FG 100)/11.3] + [(WC 90)/7.7]+ [(MAP * 100)/9.1], and for women, z-score = [(50 HDL-C)/14.1] + [(TG 150)/81.0] + [(FG 100)/11.3] + [(WC 85)/9.0] + [(MAP 100)/9.1]. Mean Arterial Pressure * (MAP) was calculated as“Diastolic BP+1/3 (Systolic BP Diastolic BP)”.