suspect in the lineup.If the eyewitness identified perpetratorsat random,and half of the people in the lineup were peoplesuspected of committing the crime,the eyewitness wouldmistakenly select one of the suspects half the time.6.Instructions to eyewitnesses before viewing photos andlineups should not bias their choices.They should be told thatthe person who committed the crime may or may not be in thephotos or lineup.In addition,they should be told that it is justas important to dlear innocent suspects as it is to identify theguilty person.This will reduce false identifications by making itclear to the eyewitness that it is okay to fail to select someone.7.Avoid giving feedback to eyewitnesses after theyidentify a photo or a person in a lineup.Feedback can increaseor decrease the eyewitnesses' confidence in their identifica-tion.This is important,because eyewitnesses are commonlyasked how confident they are in their judgment during courtproceedings.