Dear Ao,
We have extended your deadline to May 10th, but we will not be able to extend it a second time. Please note that you may not receive notification for the academic year until after May 10th, but you will be able to cancel your summer reservation on or before June 3rd and still be eligible to receive a refund on your summer housing costs.
If you have any other questions, please let us know.
International House Admissions
On Sun, May 1, 2016 at 9:50 PM, Ao Wang wrote:
Thank you for your offer! I am also waiting for the results of my application for the whole academic year and it's still unavailable now. However I can't make decisions until both results (academic year and summer) are available. So would you please allow me to tell you decisions later than May.2nd, say, May.10th?
Thank you,