New term starts, and we are very pleased to see Robert again. The theme of this class is "body language". Robert let us turn for example knowing gestures and meanings. I had a meaning "wish you good luck" sign in before class, I never know when a person is talking to others when in the process of making the gesture, meant that he was lying! But I thought I would never be so blatantly lying.My partner is Poppy, we discussed life, we will do some actions as well as its causes and solutions. For example: "how to deal with that friend snores" this issue, we have three solutions: 1 ignore it, go back to sleep, or wear earplugs; 2 wake boyfriend, and he said some interesting things that distract his attention (chat, voice sincere, just like the way you didn't mean to wake him! This is important, otherwise he may be angry); 3, shake him, and then he fell asleep again before bed. In addition, we also study some mood words, Robert is always so extremely rich of teaching, let us learn in a pleasant atmosphere. I think if you go to acting, Robert is a very good actor.