Collars & neck
a. Off-quarter or skewed collar (+/- ¼”)
b. Face, under collar or interlining that is tight, twisted, too full, or curling
c. Poorly shaped collar seriously affecting appearance
d. Collar band or under collar distinctly showing above top collar
e. Center back neck seam not covered by collar
f. Collar band ends short or long causing unbalanced or puckered appearance at opening edge
g. Collar points improperly shaped, ill-shaped, or not uniform (+/- 1/8”)
h. Collar points not fully or evenly turned out (guttered)
i. Raw edges, or punched out collar tips
j. Neck opening off-center
k. Neck trim puckered or stretched
l. Corded, piped or other insert trim visibly uneven, loose or tight
Collars & neck a. Off-quarter or skewed collar (+/- ¼”)b. Face, under collar or interlining that is tight, twisted, too full, or curlingc. Poorly shaped collar seriously affecting appearanced. Collar band or under collar distinctly showing above top collare. Center back neck seam not covered by collarf. Collar band ends short or long causing unbalanced or puckered appearance at opening edgeg. Collar points improperly shaped, ill-shaped, or not uniform (+/- 1/8”)h. Collar points not fully or evenly turned out (guttered)i. Raw edges, or punched out collar tipsj. Neck opening off-centerk. Neck trim puckered or stretchedl. Corded, piped or other insert trim visibly uneven, loose or tight