La empresa FOLANGSI MACHINE CO LTD., hace constar que la empresa DISTRIBUIDORA MILENIUM 2000, SA., ubicada en San Pedro Sula, departamento de Cortes, con dirección de oficinas en 2 Ave. 12 Calle NO Barrio Las Acacias. Sera nuestro representante y distribuidor exclusivo de la marca KBZ, al igual que todos productos que nuestra empresa fabrica. Para todo el territorio de Honduras.
Por lo Tanto la empresa DISTRIBUIDORA MILENIUM 2000 S.A. es la única compañía en vender KBZ en ese territorio. Se deja establecido que dicha representación y distribución es por tiempo indefinid
FOLANGSI MACHINE CO. LTD. company, certifies that the company DISTRIBUIDORA MILENIUM 2000, SA., located in San Pedro Sula, Department of Cortés, with offices in 2 Ave address. 12 Street NOT Barrio Las Acacias. Will be our representative and exclusive distributor of the KBZ brand, as well as all of the products that our company produces. For all the territory of Honduras.Therefore the DISTRIBUIDORA MILENIUM 2000 S.A. company is the only company selling KBZ in that territory. Stops established that such representation and distribution is by time indefinid
The company Folangsi MACHINE CO LTD., Notes that the company MILENIUM 2000 DISTRIBUIDORA, SA., Located in San Pedro Sula, Department of Cortes, with offices address 2 Ave. 12 Calle NO Barrio Las Acacias. Will be our representative and exclusive distributor of brand KBZ, like all products that our company manufactures. For all the territory of Honduras.
Therefore MILENIUM 2000 Distribuidora SA is the only company to sell KBZ in that territory. It is established that such representation and distribution time is indefinid