Two thousand and eight years in May 12th, Sichuan province Wenchuan County as the center or second team, no group out of 8 fierce earthquake, and with a case. Sichuan Province, Gansu still does a province, Shaanxi Province, Chongqing city nado De, dead. Unknown, about 80000 people and wounded about 280000 people [in Japanese high with a killed, or. Not logoff and developmental students hyperplastic the Japanese earthquake: in situ in twilight s, people goes in a loss and suffering or mono tobira? S hyperplastic, and for it a tragedy in mono tobira, Hibi [heart is shaken) some immediate in compatriots love the story, thou after TA.Afternoon on May 13 at eleven fifty, cold or live in the rain drop much start on DS Yang City Hanwang town [in Japanese black (empty or cut much crack on yo u logoff, emergency car of sytec and Noyes,, Ming book ICDRG: ring. Kinds of emergency car and shipped for terms ICDRG: [in Japanese puppet, national hyperplastic school built. Kara rescued) terms for four of five (and de thou after TA. "For a person, U of UTI private was also nephew of. Mono tobira (mono tobira Mr. Tan, or pretty woman the GA for after the on terms: GBD (KA Na after? S, the [four] sub? (AQT) is for students with the puppet (KA Na after TA and Si j u "and help GA flying for woman, Liu Hongli), cancer [in Japanese uncle puppet tears or flow (a, s (after TA."See, national, Mr. Tan: terms for two or Hiroshima with big wrist on the machine, on the analysis of playing in the estate for yo u - V in hyperplastic posture. Peter [in Japanese logoff ICDRG: four Japanese pupils, Nix. And hyperplastic,, Mr Tan puppet head used in playing for terms, Cannian Na, s death on a Japanese Ma hyperplastic "and, ARU rescue team, site of marine biodiversity or isolation room back in. School of motion field: CIECC, Mr. Tan [in Japanese wife Zhang Wanrong), field of oncology, husband [in Japanese yen in feeling ICDRG: soil or Ding Ning swab (, chaos terms for hair or whole ERU the live for."Thou [day, master puppet (analysis of mono tobira [yo u in six to play with the, mother of washing, a for ERU or hand legend after the Kara early Hibi and school in the Ka mount the! ~ hyperplastic. The mother is nursing home in pulp and pulp of Ma Gui has to live in the room after the in... After the complete line for "I still cry on this Zhang San of leaf is the first sound in RA Na Na Ka after ta. Kinds of field in the ICDRG: pupils [in Japanese Pro for puppet (AQT), in situ [in Japanese customs. Then after the fireworks or s Si Ming, Mr. Tan [Ann Kara a sleep much in prayer after?.