Describe your faith and spiritual goals
My faith is based upon a deep understanding of God and the spiritual world. I read from the King James version, the Harper-Collins study Bible, and the Nag Hamadi library. I was raised in the old Episcopal Church. I am now a member of the Anglican Church and enjoy it with all my heart. I guess my goal as a Christian is that same as all others, to serve God both in this life andf the life thereafter. My worldly goals are to live life to its fullest, to enjoy God's many blessings and pass on those blessings to others.
Things that I like to do in Biloxi
Play on the beach. Just get out and around other people.
Places that I like to take a date in Biloxi
Back Bay Restaurant or Starbucks. Well see about other places later.
I would be interested in meeting someone like
A woman who is romantic and very spiritual.
Answer this question for me
Do you belive in reincarnation? Why?
I would like to "Do Lunch" with
Dick Winters. I would like to have the opportunity to meet such a great hero and hear some of his stories and wisdom.