III Branches only above
A. Wholly modular construction: each module (trunk or branch segment) flower at its tip and
1. Leeuwenberg: each module forks symmetrically; no one of its branches is dominant
2. Kwan Korbia: modules fork asymmetrically; one branch lager than others
B. Shoute: Trunk forks without flowering by division of the apical meristem
C. Modular (sympodial) trunk, composed of a succession of “relays”, with each relay (segment
of the trunk) originating just below tip of predecessor
1. Chamberlain: each module flowers at top and produces a single, unbranched relay
2. Module ends in a whorl of branches
a. Provost: Branches upturned, at least at tip; leaves spiraled or decussate, disposed around
their twig. Each branch segment flowers and forks at tip as in Kwan Korbia, or flowers at
tip and propagates relays from just below the tip to repeat the process, as in Petit or
Fagerlind (see below)
b. Nozeran: Branches horizontal, leaves distichous