T10 The repetitive sequence occurred more than the maximum number of times permitted.
T11 The repetitive sequence occurred less than the minimum number of times permitted.
T12 Field, line, subfield or component content error.
Or, the format Reject/Return is not allowed for field 72 in this MT
Or when 'ISIN' is used at the beginning of line one in field 35B it must be in 'upper case'.
T13 This field tag is not expected at this location in this MT. Either a mandatory field is missing, or
the sequence of fields is incorrect, or the given field is not allowed at this point in this MT, or a
Field Separator CrLf: (Carriage_return Line_feed Colon) is not immediately followed by a valid
SWIFT field id. (for example, field tag is invalid), or an end-of-text sequence (CrLf-) was
encountered when not expected, or more than one end-of-text sequence (CrLf-) occurs in this
Or it may be the invalid combination of fields that are used in the message that is causing the
Error code T13.
Or in a common group message (that is MT n92, n95 or n96), within the list of "Copy of any
field(s) of the original message", there are generic fields and non-generic fields that are not
allowed to be mixed in the same message.
Or, in one of the ISO 15022 messages an optional sequence of fields was used, however, a field
or a field qualifier that is required (that is indicated by an "OR", or "minimum 1") within that
sequence is missing, or field 16R is present but its related code word is inappropriate.
Or, in a qualifier table, for a particular generic field (that is nn), in a repeatable order, there is a
list of "OR" qualifiers, but more than one qualifier has been used in the repetitions of the generic
field, in this sequence.
If there is a list of options, a different option may be used in a repeated field,
as long as it is with the same qualifier.
T14 The first subfield [N] (negative indicator) must not be used when the amount, number, UTC
indicator or number count component is equal to 0.
This check applies to:
field 19A in MTs 321 502, 506, 513, 514, 515, 518, 527, 528, 529, 535, 536, 537, 540, 541,
542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 558, 564, 566, 567, 569, 574IRSLST, 575, 578, 584,
586, 587 and 588.
field 32H in MTs 306, 320, 330, 340, 362, and 620.
field 32N in MT 646.
field 32R in MT 620.
field 33N in MT 646.
field 34E in MTs 320, 330, 341, and 620.
field 34J in MT 620.
field 34N in MT 646.
field 35H in MT 581.
field 36E in MT 564.
field 37G in MTs 320, 330, 362, 620, and 644.