During the preparation of the first iteration of BDEMOOC, Baker collected exten-sive data on all of his work in the MOOC. Most of this was reported at a 5‐minute grain size. These data were used in turn by Hollands and Tirthali at the Center for Benefit‐Cost Studies of Education to study the costs of MOOC development and delivery and how the instructor’s time is spent across various MOOC‐related activ-ities (Hollands & Tirthali, 2014). Hollands and Tirthali were able to determine that BDEMOOC took 176hours of instructor time to develop and deliver, with planning and bureaucracy taking almost as much time as recording video lectures. They esti-mated that the costs of offering this MOOC were around US$39,000 but found that costs are highly sensitive to the salary level of the instructor and would be higher if an external video production team were hired. Hollands and Tirthali also reported that Baker’s scientific productivity (in terms of journal articles, book chapters, and conference paper proposals submitted) was reduced during the time he was devel-oping and delivering the MOOC.