Dear Jasmine san
Thank you, Im going back to Tokyo tomorrow but I can check dwgs and make comment there.
I will wait in Tokyo.
Nishimura OSSC / JICA
On 2015/10/01 9:31, Jasmine Wang wrote:
Dear Nishimura-San,
I am Jasmine , who give assistant to Crecimiento Industrial Myanmar for submission of drawing to MJTD and to OSSC.
On behalf of the company, I would like to say heartfelt thanks for your kind reminder and attention on our progress!
These days , the design company are still working on the Structure Analysis and Fire Safety Drawing, Once , I receive related drawing from them, I will send it to you for preliminary review.
Warm wishes,
On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 3:11 PM, Tetsuro Nishimura wrote:
Dear M/s. Crecimiento Industrial Myanmarl
This is my first e-mail to you, My name is Nishimura / Architect, JICA expert for OSSC/Thilawa for
check Building Permission and Fire Safety,. .
I have heard you submitted drawings to MJTD for Design approval. Now, how is the progress of drawings for Building Permission / Fire Safety?.
When drawings are ready, please send us pdf file by e-mail. We can check and make comments even before you receive DA from MJTD..
Nishimura OSSC/JICA