der bestellte Artikel ist bisher nicht zugestellt worden. Es gab eine Versandnachricht am 16.12, in der die Zustellung für 18.-22.12 angekündigt wurde. Würden Sie bitte dazu Stellung nehmen?
Ladies and gentlemen,the order has not been to so far. There was a shipping message on the 16.12 announced the delivery of 18-22.12. Would you respond please?With kind regardsJ.P.Binz[Email address removed]
Ladies and gentlemen, the item ordered has not been delivered. There was a confirmation of shipping on 16/12, in the service for 18-12.22 was announced. Would you please take this position? Sincerely JPBinz [email address removed]
Ladies, gentlemen, doesn't arrive on orderly article. There is a versandnachricht in the 16, 18 in the service -22.12 announced. Would you please comment? Greetings,