Previous experimental work demonstrates that TC, when compared to a non-TC control group,is effective in enhancing numerous physiological, psychological, and cognitive outcomes. What islacking in the literature is a side-to-side comparison between various forms of TC. To address this gap inthe literature, the present experiment, among older adults, juxtaposed two forms of TC (TC-24 vs. MTC)on key health parameters that are predictive of premature mortality risk [54,55]. Our main findingswere twofold: (1) both forms of TC were effective in enhancing global cognitive function [56,57],balance, and fitness, but (2) MTC was more effective than TC-24 in enhancing these health-relatedparameters. Given that our previous work has already demonstrated and discussed the beneficialeffects of TC on enhancing various health outcomes [12–17], the discussion that follows will focus onthe unique effects of a modified form of TC (i.e., MTC).