1) Do you have a passion for your subject matter? If so, how would I know if I observed your class?
2) Describe how your students have used technology to raise awareness, start conversations, change minds, drive change, or make a difference?
3) Do you agree with this statement? Giving a student a zero teaches responsibility. If so, explain why. If you disagree with this statement, explain why.
4) List three ways you provide specific feedback to students during the time of the learning.
5) How do you embed formative assessment and quality instruction simultaneously?
6) Think about a recent lesson in which you planned, prepared, and executed differentiated instruction. Describe the differences in the student outcomes.
7) Think about a recent lesson. When you were moving around the room, what did you hear your student’s say or do that demonstrated understanding of the learning goal?
8) A student begins being somewhat disruptive and interfering with other students’ ability to learn during your instructional delivery. How do you respond?
9) Describe the last five minutes of your class?
10) If I were to ask your most challenging student to describe you in three words, how would they respond?
11) What must effective teacher collaboration include?
12) What have you read or studied recently that led to a change in your classroom?
13) State three different reasons you have contacted a parent this semester.
14) What does it mean for students to “own their learning?”
15) Can you please provide an example of how you recently collaborated with your colleagues.
16) Describe a situation in your current position in which you have assumed a leadership role.
17) Regarding your current position, what has been your most gratifying experience?