Ich finde so etwas nicht in Ordnung das man mit % den Kunden beruhigen will ,das ist das eine aber wenn es heißt lieferbar dann möchte man es auch gerne geliefert haben. Es wurde ja auch schon von meinem Ciro Konto abgebucht. das ist echt ein Now Go Danke
I find something wrong that one wants to reassure customers with % thats the one but if it is available then would you have delivered it gladly. It was also already My Ciro charged to account. This is really a now go thank you
I find something wrong that one wants to reassure customers with%, this is the one but if it is available then one would like to have it like to come. It has indeed been debited from my account Ciro. that's really a Go Now Thanks
i think something wrong that you% customers to calm down, this is the one but if it's available thenwould you like to have it delivered. it has already beenmy ciro account debited. this is really a now go, thank you