MON 87411 leaf, root, whole plant, and grain were collected from field trials conducted at five sites in Argentina during the 2011-2012 growing season. At each site, four replicated plots were planted using a randomized complete block field design and plant materials were collected from each replicated plot at each field site. Leaf, root, and whole plant were collected and placed on dry ice at development stage vegetative 3e4 (V3eV4: Ritchie et al., 1997). Total RNA was extracted from a known amount of corn tissue using the method described by Armstrong et al. (2013) and normalized to an appropriate concentration. DvSnf7 dsRNAwas quantified using a QuantiGene Assay method (Affymetrix Inc. 2010; Armstrong et al., 2013). The concentration of DvSnf7 dsRNA from the assay was converted to concentration in fresh weight (fw) tissue (ng/g fw) based on the total RNA/tissue ratio and total RNA dilution factor.