Since the aforementioned peculiarities make AAC different from
conventional masonry materials, it is of fundamental importance
to provide a detailed experimental characterization of its
0950-0618/? 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Ferretti),
(E. Michelini), (G. Rosati).
Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 353–365
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Construction and Building Materials
journal homepage:
mechanical behavior. Test results allow indeed to calibrate sophis-
ticated numerical models to be used in structural analyses, both for
the design of new structures and for the assessment/retrofit of
existing ones [12].
As known, masonry assemblages such as shear walls, infill
walls in framed construction or walls supported on beams are
generally subjected to a biaxial state of stress, due to the presence
of normal stresses parallel and perpendicular to the bed joints, as
well as of shear stresses along the joints themselves. Moreover,
unreinforced conventional masonry generally exhibits anisotropic
properties due to its composite structure, with mortar joints act-
ing as planes of weakness. Therefore, its failure cannot be
described solely in terms of the two principal stresses, but a third
variable – related to bed joint orientation – must be also consid-
ered. For these reasons, several researches in the past focused
their attention on the experimental determination of reliable
parameters of masonry strength, as well as on the development
of failure criteria for masonry elements subjected to in-plane
loading (e.g. [13–16]). One of the most complete experimental
campaigns relative to masonry subjected to proportional biaxial
loading was carried out by Page [17,18]. These tests were per-
formed on half-scale square panels made of solid clay units to
investigate the influence exerted on failure mode and strength
by bed joint orientation (with respect to the vertical principal
stress direction), as well as by the applied principal stress ratio.
Based on these experimental data, biaxial failure surfaces were
first derived in terms of the two principal stresses and their orien-
tation to bed joints [17,18] and subsequently in terms of the
stress system related to the direction of the joints [19], which is
better suited for finite element modeling. Moreover, the same test
results were also used in [20] to determine macroscopic elastic
and non-linear stress–strain relations. However, it is worth notic-
ing that the strength envelope obtained by Page is of limited
applicability for other types of masonry, characterized by different
materials, unit shapes and/or geometry. For example, the influ-
ence of joint orientation was found to be less significant for
grouted concrete masonry, whose experimental behavior under
biaxial stresses seems to be essentially isotropic [21]. Further
experimental investigations were also carried out on masonry
panels subjected to in-plane forces, by considering different unit
geometries and materials (concrete blocks, calcium-silicate blocks
and clay bricks [22], or grouted unreinforced brick masonry [23]),
so as to define suitable failure criteria.
It should be also remarked that the results provided from the
abovementioned experimental programs could be hardly extended
to AAC masonry, also because this latter belongs to ‘‘thin bed
masonry” typology. The units are indeed connected together
through thin glue layers, with thickness usually ranging between
0.5 and 3 mm. Researches carried out on thin bed masonry (among
others, e.g. [24–27]) have shown that joint thickness significantly
affects masonry behavior. As an example, the compressive strength
of thin bed masonry is higher with respect to conventional
masonry, since it tends to approach the strength of the blocks.
Moreover, its shear and flexural strengths are not significantly
affected by the interface bond behavior and therefore thin bed
masonry performs more similarly to a continuum under loading,
without excessive localization of the failure path along the joints.
Biaxial compression tests carried out by Vermeltfoort [28] on thin
bed masonry panels with different joint orientations showed that
their failure mechanism was characterized by the three following
phenomena: spalling of the units with fragments of approximately
20 mm, vertical splitting, and bending of the sample.
It is not clear if AAC masonry displays the same behavior. The
most of the experimental programs carried out in recent years on
this specific type of masonry were indeed mainly focused on the
assessment of its seismic performances and were devoted to the
development of seismic design provisions to be included in Design
Codes (among others, e.g. [8–10,29–31]).
Aim of this research work is to provide a complete description
of AAC masonry behavior under in-plane static loading, with par-
ticular attention to the softening regime. To the purpose, several
experimental tests are performed on both AAC masonry panels
and beams, so as to characterize masonry behavior under uniaxial
and biaxial compression, flexure and shear, determining not only
its elastic parameters and strength values, but also the fracture
energies in tension and compression. The collected experimental
data can be useful in the calibration of suitable numerical models;
as an example, in this work an anisotropic nonlinear constitutive
model, well-known in the technical literature for FE analysis of
ordinary masonry structures [32–34], is adapted to AAC masonry
elements. The so calibrated model is subsequently validated by
performing a nonlinear FE analysis on a full-scale AAC masonry
wall subjected to a pushover test [31].
2. Experimental program on AAC masonry elements
The performed experimental program consisted in 33 tests on AAC masonry
elements with thin bed joints. A general view of some of the assembled specimens
before testing is shown in Fig. 1.
In order to characterize the material behavior in compression, several mono-
tonic uniaxial and biaxial tests were performed on small-scale masonry panels,
by varying the bed joint orientation with respect to the horizontal axis. Some of
the uniaxial tests were carried out under displacement control to obtain the com-
plete stress–strain curve and the corresponding fracture energy in compression.
Due to the limited features of the universal testing machines at our disposal,
tensile behavior of AAC masonry was instead investigated indirectly, by performing
three-point bending tests on small-scale masonry beams. In this case, only two
angles of inclination between the bed joints and the horizontal axis were consid-
ered (namely 0? and 90?). For each examined typology, two beams were provided
of a central notch to guide crack formation and were tested under crack mouth
opening displacement (CMOD) control, so obtaining the complete load–deflection
response and the corresponding fracture energy in tension. Finally, two small
masonry panels were subjected to diagonal compression tests.
2.1. Description of test specimens
All the specimens were prepared by using masonry-type AAC units directly
provided by the Manufacturer. It is worth noticing that AAC units are commonly
produced in different sizes that may reach 625 ? 250 ? 200 mm; in this last case,
masonry panels including a representative number of head and bed joints would
be huge and some problems may arise to test them into the frame of a universal
testing machine. However, considering that the dimensions of the units available
on the market are variable, in the present work it has been preferred to employ
non-standard small size bricks, with nominal dimensions equal to
250 ? 50 ? 100 mm. In this way, it has been possible to keep the specimen size
small, while having at the same time an adequate number of head and bed joints,
so emphasizing their influence on masonry global behavior and increasing possible
anisotropic effects. Therefore, the behavior of structural elements realized with
Since the aforementioned peculiarities make AAC different fromconventional masonry materials, it is of fundamental importanceto provide a detailed experimental characterization of its 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.⇑ Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: (D. Ferretti), Michelini), (G. Rosati).Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 353–365Contents lists available at ScienceDirectConstruction and Building Materialsjournal homepage: behavior. Test results allow indeed to calibrate sophis-ticated numerical models to be used in structural analyses, both forthe design of new structures and for the assessment/retrofit ofexisting ones [12].As known, masonry assemblages such as shear walls, infillwalls in framed construction or walls supported on beams aregenerally subjected to a biaxial state of stress, due to the presenceof normal stresses parallel and perpendicular to the bed joints, aswell as of shear stresses along the joints themselves. Moreover,unreinforced conventional masonry generally exhibits anisotropicproperties due to its composite structure, with mortar joints act-ing as planes of weakness. Therefore, its failure cannot bedescribed solely in terms of the two principal stresses, but a third— — 相关的床联合定位 — — 变量必须也考虑-走进。出于这些原因,在过去的几个研究重点他们的注意力上可靠的实验测定参数的砌体强度和开发砌体构件,在平面的破坏准则加载 (例如 [13-16])。最完整的实验之一砌体相对运动受到比例双轴[17,18] 页进行加载。这些试验是每-形成于半规模方板由实心粘土单位调查对失效模式和强度形成的影响由床联合方向 (垂直校长应力方向),以及应用的主应力比。基于这些实验数据,双轴失效面了首先导出了在两个主应力和他们容易-张力对床接头 [17,18] 以及随后在职权范围强调系统相关方向的关节 [19],这是更适合有限元建模。此外,同一测试结果也被用在 [20] 来确定宏观弹性与非线性应力-应变关系。然而,值得注意的是-ing 强度包络线获得由页很有限对于其他类型的砌体,特点是由不同的适用性材料、 单元形状或几何。例如,影响-ence of joint orientation was found to be less significant forgrouted concrete masonry, whose experimental behavior underbiaxial stresses seems to be essentially isotropic [21]. Furtherexperimental investigations were also carried out on masonrypanels subjected to in-plane forces, by considering different unitgeometries and materials (concrete blocks, calcium-silicate blocksand clay bricks [22], or grouted unreinforced brick masonry [23]),so as to define suitable failure criteria.It should be also remarked that the results provided from theabovementioned experimental programs could be hardly extendedto AAC masonry, also because this latter belongs to ‘‘thin bedmasonry” typology. The units are indeed connected togetherthrough thin glue layers, with thickness usually ranging between0.5 and 3 mm. Researches carried out on thin bed masonry (amongothers, e.g. [24–27]) have shown that joint thickness significantlyaffects masonry behavior. As an example, the compressive strengthof thin bed masonry is higher with respect to conventionalmasonry, since it tends to approach the strength of the blocks.Moreover, its shear and flexural strengths are not significantlyaffected by the interface bond behavior and therefore thin bedmasonry performs more similarly to a continuum under loading,without excessive localization of the failure path along the joints.Biaxial compression tests carried out by Vermeltfoort [28] on thinbed masonry panels with different joint orientations showed thattheir failure mechanism was characterized by the three followingphenomena: spalling of the units with fragments of approximately20 mm, vertical splitting, and bending of the sample.It is not clear if AAC masonry displays the same behavior. Themost of the experimental programs carried out in recent years onthis specific type of masonry were indeed mainly focused on theassessment of its seismic performances and were devoted to thedevelopment of seismic design provisions to be included in DesignCodes (among others, e.g. [8–10,29–31]).Aim of this research work is to provide a complete descriptionof AAC masonry behavior under in-plane static loading, with par-ticular attention to the softening regime. To the purpose, severalexperimental tests are performed on both AAC masonry panelsand beams, so as to characterize masonry behavior under uniaxialand biaxial compression, flexure and shear, determining not onlyits elastic parameters and strength values, but also the fractureenergies in tension and compression. The collected experimentaldata can be useful in the calibration of suitable numerical models;as an example, in this work an anisotropic nonlinear constitutivemodel, well-known in the technical literature for FE analysis ofordinary masonry structures [32–34], is adapted to AAC masonryelements. The so calibrated model is subsequently validated byperforming a nonlinear FE analysis on a full-scale AAC masonrywall subjected to a pushover test [31].2. Experimental program on AAC masonry elementsThe performed experimental program consisted in 33 tests on AAC masonryelements with thin bed joints. A general view of some of the assembled specimensbefore testing is shown in Fig. 1.In order to characterize the material behavior in compression, several mono-tonic uniaxial and biaxial tests were performed on small-scale masonry panels,by varying the bed joint orientation with respect to the horizontal axis. Some ofthe uniaxial tests were carried out under displacement control to obtain the com-plete stress–strain curve and the corresponding fracture energy in compression.Due to the limited features of the universal testing machines at our disposal,tensile behavior of AAC masonry was instead investigated indirectly, by performingthree-point bending tests on small-scale masonry beams. In this case, only twoangles of inclination between the bed joints and the horizontal axis were consid-ered (namely 0? and 90?). For each examined typology, two beams were providedof a central notch to guide crack formation and were tested under crack mouthopening displacement (CMOD) control, so obtaining the complete load–deflectionresponse and the corresponding fracture energy in tension. Finally, two smallmasonry panels were subjected to diagonal compression tests.2.1. Description of test specimens
All the specimens were prepared by using masonry-type AAC units directly
provided by the Manufacturer. It is worth noticing that AAC units are commonly
produced in different sizes that may reach 625 ? 250 ? 200 mm; in this last case,
masonry panels including a representative number of head and bed joints would
be huge and some problems may arise to test them into the frame of a universal
testing machine. However, considering that the dimensions of the units available
on the market are variable, in the present work it has been preferred to employ
non-standard small size bricks, with nominal dimensions equal to
250 ? 50 ? 100 mm. In this way, it has been possible to keep the specimen size
small, while having at the same time an adequate number of head and bed joints,
so emphasizing their influence on masonry global behavior and increasing possible
anisotropic effects. Therefore, the behavior of structural elements realized with