-이/가The particle -이/가 (-이 for when the preceding word ends with a cons的繁體中文翻譯

-이/가The particle -이/가 (-이 for when

-이/가The particle -이/가 (-이 for when the preceding word ends with a consonant and -가 for when the preceding word ends with a vowel) attaches directly to a noun and marks that noun as the grammatical subject of the sentence. If you aren’t familiar with that concept, the subject is the doer of verb, or the person or thing carrying out a certain state in the sentence. For example:She is crying.In this sentence, “she” is the one doing the action. “She” is the doer in this sentence, so it is the subject. Let’s look at another example:The bag got dirty.Being dirty isn’t exactly an action, but the thing in that state is the bag. English does not have any special element marking “she” or “bag” as the subjects of their respective sentences, but Korean does. Let’s translate the above sentences into Korean and make sure we mark the subjects.She is crying. -> 그녀가 울고 있어요.Here, we attach -이/가 to the noun we want to mark as the subject. In this case, the noun is “그녀 (that lady).” Since it ends with a vowel, we choose -가 instead of -이.The bag got dirty. -> 가방이 더러워졌어요.Since 가방 ends with a consonant, we use -이 as our subject particle.Let’s check out some more examples of -이/가 usage:•누가 왔어요? (Who came?) •NOTE: 누가 is the question word 누구 (who) + -이/가!•휴지가 없어요. (There is no toilet paper.)•책상 위에 사과가 있어요. (There is an apple on the table.)•리모콘이 안 돼요. (The remote doesn’t work.)-을/를Next, we have the direct object particle -을/를. Like the subject particle -이/가, it attaches to nouns. Use -을 when the noun ends with a consonant and -를 when the noun ends in a vowel. The direct object is the receiver of the action that the subject does. Let’s take a look:I ate an apple.Here, the apple is receiving the action of being eaten.My younger brother often reads books.In this case, the books are receiving the action of being read.Let’s translate them to Korean!I ate an apple -> 제가 사과를 먹었어요.You can see I used -를 since 사과 ends with a vowel. I also marked the subject with the subject particle -가.My younger brother often reads books. -> 우리 동생은 책을 많이 읽어요. (NOTE: In Korean, 우리 [our/we] is used to mean “my” when referring to family members.)Since 책 ends with a consonant, I used -을. 동생 is the subject of the sentence, but I marked it with the topic particle, which we will see below.Let’s finish up with a few more examples:•미나가 잠을 잘 잤어요. (Mina slept well.) •NOTE: In Korean, one says they “sleep a sleep (잠을 자다).” Similar verbs include “to dance (춤을 추다)” and “to dream (꿈을 꾸다).”•민호 씨가 빵을 먹어요. (Minho eats bread/ Minho is eating bread.) •NOTE: Simple present tense in Korean can be translated as either simple present or present progressive tense in English. -은/는And now we get to the hard part… -은/는! This particle sometimes pops up where you would expect to see the subject particle, and sometimes it shows up where you would expect to see the direct object particle. So, what exactly is this mysterious thing??-은/는 is a topic particle, which means, among other things, that it is used to mark the topic, or focus, of the sentence. This usage often turns up when you want to introduce a new topic or change from one topic to another. Sometimes it helps to translate it as, “as for…”Let’s look at some examples, using -은 when it attaches to a word ending with a consonant and -는 when it attaches to a word ending with a vowel.•저는 미국인이에요. ([As for me,] I’m an American.)•그 배우는 정말 유명해요. ([As for that actor,] That actor is really famous.)•사과는 제가 가장 좋아하는 과일이에요. ([As for apples,] Apples are my favorite fruit.)-은/는 can also be used for showing contrast between things:•민수 씨는 사과를 싫어하지만 저는 사과를 좋아해요. (Minsu hates apples but I like apples.)•서현 씨는 키가 작은 반면에 서현 씨의 여동생은 키가 커요. (Seohyeon is short; on the other hand, her younger sister is tall.) •NOTE how we have both the topic particle and subject particle in the same sentence!•넌 거의 아무거나 잘 먹는데 당근은 왜 안 먹어? (You eat almost anything well, but why don’t you eat carrots?) •We actually have two -은/는 here with different meanings. The first one is 너 + 는 (shortened to 넌) to mark that the speaker wants to focus on this particular person. The second, which we can find on 당근, emphasizes the contrast between the listener eating pretty much everything with the special exception of carrots.•Also notice that the topic particle on 당근 is replacing the direct object particle -을/를!At the end of the day, the usage of -은/는 is one that is best grasped through exposure to native speech. The more Korean you hear, the more you’ll develop your intuition of when you should and shouldn’t use -은/는. However, I hoped this short section on it at least helps you to understand how it functions when you do happen across it.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
- 이 / 가 <br><br>顆粒- 이 / 가 ( - 이用於當以輔音和前述字兩端- 가用於當以元音前述字端)直接連接到一個名詞和標記該名詞作為的語法對象句子。如果你不熟悉的概念,主體是動詞的實干家,或人或事物的句子進行一定的狀態。例如:<br><br><br>她在哭。<br><br>在這句話中,“她”是一個做動作。“她”是這句話的實干家,所以它是主體。讓我們看看另一個例子:<br><br><br>袋臟了。<br><br>作為臟是不完全的動作,但在這種狀態的東西是囊中。英語沒有任何特殊元素標記“她”或“包”作為各自句子的主體,但韓國一樣。讓我們翻譯句子以上成韓語,並確保我們紀念的主題。<br><br><br>她正在哭。- > 그 녀 가 울 고 있 어 요 。<br><br>在這裡,我們重視- 이 / 가到我們要紀念為主題的名詞。在這種情況下,名詞是“ 그 녀 (那女人)。”既然有一個元音結尾,我們選擇- 가代替- 이 。<br><br><br>袋臟了。- > 가 방 이 더 러 워 졌 어 요 。<br><br>由於以輔音結束가 방 ,我們使用- 이作為我們的主題粒子。<br><br>讓我們看看一些更多的例子- 이 / 가用法:<br><br>• 누 가 왔 어 요 ?(誰來?)•注: 누 가是疑問詞누 구 (誰)+ - 이 / 가 !<br><br>• 휴 지 가 없 어 요 。(沒有衛生紙。)<br>• 책 상 위 에 사 과 가 있 어 요 。(有在桌子上的蘋果。)<br>• 리 모 콘 이 안 돼 요 。(遙控器不工作。)<br><br>- 을 / 를 <br><br>接下來,我們直接對象粒子- 을 / 를 。主題粒子一樣- 이 / 가 ,它重視的名詞。使用- 을時以輔音和名詞結束- 를時元音的名詞結束。直接對象是主被攝體動作的接收器。讓我們一起來看看:<br><br><br>我吃了一個蘋果。<br><br>在這裡,蘋果正在接收的被吃掉的動作。<br><br><br>我弟弟經常閱讀的書籍。<br><br>在這種情況下,本本正在接受被讀出的動作。<br><br>讓我們把它們翻譯成韓文!<br><br><br>我吃了一個蘋果- > 제 가 사 과 를 먹 었 어 요 。<br><br>你可以看到我用- 를因為以元音사 과結束。我還標有主題顆粒的主題- 가 。<br><br><br>我弟弟經常閱讀的書籍。- > 우 리 동 생 은 책 을 많 이 읽 어 요 。(注:在韓國, 우 리 [我/我們]被用來指“我”指的是家庭成員時)<br><br>以輔音由於책結束,我用- 을 。동 생是句子的主語,但我的話題顆粒,我們將在下面看到記號,<br><br>讓我們完成了幾個例子:<br><br>• 미 나 가 잠 을 잘 잤 어 요 。(米娜睡得很好。)•注:在韓國,一個說他們“睡眠的睡眠( 잠 을 자 다 )。”類似的動詞有“跳舞( 춤 을 추 다 )”和“夢想( 꿈 을 꾸 다 )。” <br><br>• 민 호 씨 가 빵 을 먹 어 요 。(珉豪吃麵包/米尼奧吃麵包。)•注:一般現在時韓國可以被翻譯成簡單存在或現在進行時的英文。<br><br><br> <br><br>- 은 / 는<br><br>而現在我們得到的困難的部分... - 은 / 는 !這種粒子有時會彈出,你希望看到的主題顆粒,有時它顯示了,你希望看到的直接對象粒子。那麼,到底這是什麼神秘的東西?<br><br>- 은 / 는是主題粒子,這意味著,除其他事項外,它被用來標記主題或焦點,句子的。當你想引入一個新的主題或變化從一個主題到另一個這種用法經常輪番上漲。有時,它幫助它作為翻譯,“作為......” <br><br>讓我們看一些例子,使用- 은當它連接到一個輔音和結尾的單詞- 는當它連接到以元音結尾的單詞。<br><br>• 저 는 미 국 인 이 에 요 。([至於我,]我是美國人。)<br>• 그 배 우 는 정 말 유 명 해 요 。([至於那個演員,也就是說演員是真正出名。)<br>•사과는 제가 가장 좋아하는 과일이에요. ([As for apples,] Apples are my favorite fruit.)<br><br>-은/는 can also be used for showing contrast between things:<br><br>•민수 씨는 사과를 싫어하지만 저는 사과를 좋아해요. (Minsu hates apples but I like apples.)<br>•서현 씨는 키가 작은 반면에 서현 씨의 여동생은 키가 커요. (Seohyeon is short; on the other hand, her younger sister is tall.) •NOTE how we have both the topic particle and subject particle in the same sentence!<br><br>•넌 거의 아무거나 잘 먹는데 당근은 왜 안 먹어? (You eat almost anything well, but why don’t you eat carrots?) •We actually have two -은/는 here with different meanings. The first one is 너 + 는 (shortened to 넌) to mark that the speaker wants to focus on this particular person. The second, which we can find on 당근, emphasizes the contrast between the listener eating pretty much everything with the special exception of carrots.<br>•還要注意,在당 근話題顆粒代替直接對象粒子- 을 / 를 !<br><br><br>在一天結束的時候,的用法- 은 / 는是一個最好通過接觸,母語朗誦把握。你聽到的更多的韓國人,你越會發展你的時候,你應該和不應該用直覺- 은 / 는 。不過,我希望它這樣短的部分至少可以幫助你了解它是如何的功能,當你跨過這一點。
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
-/-<br><br>粒子 -*/*(-* 表示前一個單詞以輔音結尾時,當前面的單詞以母音結尾時 -*)直接附加到名詞,並將該名詞標記為句子的語法主題。如果你不熟悉這個概念,主體是動詞的做者,或者句子中執行某種狀態的人或事物。例如:<br><br>她在哭。<br><br>在這句話中,"她"是做這個動作的人。"她"是這句話的做人,所以是主題。讓我們看另一個例子:<br><br>袋子髒了。<br><br>髒的並不完全是一種行為,但處於那種狀態的事物就是袋子。英語沒有任何特殊元素,將"她"或"包"標記為各自句子的主題,但韓語確實如此。讓我們把上面的句子翻譯成韓語,並確保我們標記的主題。<br><br>她在哭。-[ ] [ ] [ ]<br><br>在這裡,我們將 -/- 附加到要標記為主題的名詞。在這種情況下,名詞是"[即,那位女士)》。因為它以母音結尾,所以我們選擇 -- 而不是 --。"<br><br>袋子髒了。-[ ] [ ] [ ] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *<br><br>由於結尾是輔音,所以我們使用 --作為我們的主題粒子。<br><br>讓我們查看一些更多 -*/* 用法的示例:<br><br>[ ](誰來的?[注意: ] 是問題詞 [ (誰) ] - /* !<br><br>[ ](沒有衛生紙。<br>[ ](桌子上有一個蘋果。<br>[ ](遙控器不工作。<br><br>-/-<br><br>接下來,我們有直接物件粒子 -/...與主題粒子 --/- 一樣,它附著在名詞上。當名詞以輔音結尾時使用 -,當名詞以母音結尾時使用 --。"直接物件是主體所執行的操作的接收者。讓我們來看看:<br><br>我吃了一個蘋果。<br><br>在這裡,蘋果正在接受被吃掉的動作。<br><br>我弟弟經常看書。<br><br>在這種情況下,這些書正在接受被閱讀的動作。<br><br>讓我們把它們翻譯成韓語吧!<br><br>我吃了一個蘋果-[][][][][][][]。<br><br>你可以看到我用 --,因為 ...我還用主題粒子 ---。"<br><br>我弟弟經常看書。-# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #(注:在韓語中,[我們/我們]在提到家庭成員時,用意指"我的"。<br><br>由於 "以輔音結尾,我使用 -.<br><br>讓我們以更多示例結束:<br><br>[ ](米娜睡得很好。[注意:在韓國,有人說他們"睡覺睡覺[類似的動詞包括"跳舞([][]"和"做夢([][])。<br><br>[ ](明浩吃麵包/明浩吃麵包。*注:韓語中的簡單當前時態可以翻譯成簡單的現在或現在逐漸的英語時態。<br><br>-/-<br><br>現在,我們進入艱難的部分... -此粒子有時會彈出您希望看到主體粒子的位置,有時它會顯示在您希望看到直接物件粒子的位置。那麼,這個神秘的東西到底是什麼?<br><br>-/- 是一個主題粒子,這意味著,除其他外,它被用來標記主題,或焦點,句子。當您想要引入新主題或從一個主題更改為另一個主題時,通常會出現此用法。有時,它有助於將其翻譯為"作為..."<br><br>讓我們看一些例子,使用 -- 當它附加到一個以輔音結尾的單詞時,當它附加到以母音結尾的單詞時- 。<br><br>[ ](就我而言,我是美國人。<br>[ ](至於那個演員,那個演員真的很有名。<br>[ ](至於蘋果,蘋果是我最喜歡的水果。<br><br>-*/* 也可用於顯示事物之間的對比:<br><br>[ ] √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √(明蘇討厭蘋果,但我喜歡蘋果。<br>[ ] √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √(Seohyeon是矮的;另一方面,她的妹妹個子很高。*請注意,我們如何在同一句子中同時使用主題粒子和主題粒子!<br><br>[ ] √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √(你幾乎什麼都吃得很好,但為什麼不吃胡蘿蔔呢?[我們實際上有兩個 -*/* 在這裡有不同的含義。第一個是 [](縮短到 *),以表明演講者想要關注這個人。第二個,我們可以在___,強調聽眾吃幾乎一切,除了胡蘿蔔的對比。<br>[還要注意, * 上的主題粒子正在替換直接物件粒子 -*/* !<br><br>在一天結束時, -/ 的用法是一個最好的掌握通過接觸本地語音.你聽到的韓國人越多,你就越會培養你對何時應該和不應該使用-/*的直覺。然而,我希望這個簡短的章節至少可以説明你理解它是如何工作的,當你發生在它。
結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
-這/加<br>The particle-這(-這個for when the preeding word ends with a consont and-加for weding the preeding word en word ends with a vowen the precty to a nound marks that the nontratican the ans then then the worath the the worn the worn the worn the word the word the the wortin the wors the theIf you aren't famliar with that concept,the subject is the dor of verb,or the person or thing carying out a centain stain the sentenceFor example:<br>She is creing<br>In this sentence“she”is the one doing the actionshe'is the dor in this sentence,so it is the subjectLet's look at another example:<br>The bag got dirty<br>Being dirty isn't exactly an action,but the thing in that state is the bagEnglish does not have any special elet marking“she or”as the subjects of the spective sentententents,but Korean does。Let's translate the above sentences into Korean and make sure we mark the subjects<br>She is creing—她在哭。<br>here,we attach-這/去to the noun we want to mark as the subject。In this case,the noun is“她(that lady).“Sinc e it ends with a vowl,we choose-Garinstead of.<br>The bag got dirty->包變髒了。<br>Sinc e包ends with a consont,we use-our subject particle。<br>Let's check out some more examplees of-這個/加usage:<br>誰來了?(Who came?)•NOTE:誰是is the question word<br>沒有紙巾。(There is no toilet paper.)<br>桌子上有蘋果。(The is an apple on the table.)<br>不能遙控器(The remote doesn't work.)<br>乙/乙<br>Next,we have the direct object particle-Like the subject particle-這個/a,it ataches to nouns。when the noun ends with a consont and-wen the noun ends in a vowel.The direct object is the receiver of the action that the subject doesLet's take a look:<br>我不知道.<br>here,the apple is receiving the action of being eaten.<br>My youner brother of ten reads books。<br>in this case,the books are receiving the action of being read<br>Let's translate the to Korean!<br>我吃了蘋果<br>You can see I used-since蘋果ends with a vowelI also marked the subject with the subject particle推薦<br>My youner brother of ten reads books。->我弟弟經常看書。(NOTE:In Korean,我們[our/we]is used to mean“my”when refering to family members.)<br>Sinc e書ends with a consont,I used.妹妹is the subject of the sentence,but I marked it with the topic partic partic,we will see below。<br>Let's finsh up with a few more examples:<br>Mina睡得很好。(Mina slept well.)•NOTE:In Korean,one says tey”sleep a sleep(睡眠).“Similar verbs verbs inc lude”to dance(跳舞)”to dream(做夢)”<br>民浩在吃麵包。(Minho eats bread/Minho is eating bread.)•NOTE:Simple present tense in Korean can be translated as either simplent or pressive tense in English<br>-銀/呢<br>And now we get to the hard part…-銀/恩!This particle somes pops up where you wuld expect to see the subject particle,and sometimes it shows up wherd expect to see the object particleSo,what exactly is this mysterious thing?是嗎?<br>-是is a topic particle,whih means,among other thigs,that it is used to mark the topic,or focus,of the sentence。This usage of ten turns up when you want to introduce a new topic or change from one topic topic to anter。Sometimes it helps to translate it as“as for…”<br>Let's look at some examplees,using-whin it attaches to a word ending with a consonant and-whin it atches to a word en with a vowel<br>我是美國人。([As for me,]I’m an American.)<br>那個演員真有名。([As for that actor,]That actor is really famous.)<br>蘋果是我最喜歡的水果。([As for appples,]Appplees are my favorite fulite.)<br>-銀/can also be used for showing contrast between things:<br>民洙雖然不喜歡蘋果,但我喜歡蘋果。(Minsu hates appplees but I like apppples.)<br>徐賢個子矮,但是徐賢的妹妹個子高。(Seohyeon is short;on the otther hand,her youner sister is tall.)NOTE how we have both the topic partic and subject partic in the same sentence!<br>你幾乎隨便吃東西,為什麼不吃胡蘿蔔?(You eat almost anything well,but why don't you eat carrots?)•We actuly have two線上試聽The first one is你+是(shortened to你)to mark that the speaker wants to focus on this particular person。The second,whih we can find on胡蘿蔔,ephasizes the contrast between the listen the listenter eating prety much everything with the special exception of carts。<br>•Also notice that the topic particle on胡蘿蔔is replaing the direct object particle-<br>
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