The required engine power and subsequently the accelerator compression is a function of the agricultural field conditions and different power needs. The effects of vibrations on the compression of accelerator pedal can be alleviated by putting the heel on the floor (Mehta et al., 2011). Considering the frequent use of this pedal, its required actuating force should not exceed 30% of the 5th percentile of right foot strength. Therefore, 68 N is recommended as the maximum allowed force for the accelerator pedal of Iranian tractors. To prevent unwanted activation, the minimum allowed actuating force should be more than the tolerated force of heavy-footed man. If the foot weight acts at the mass center of foot and also, the heel is assumed to be a simple hinge, the resulted force on this pedal will be 13 N (according to the values listed in Table 2). Considering the effects of shoe weight, it is recommended that the minimum allowed actuating force of this pedal should not be less than 20 N.