You have experienced some bad things..
Especially when you were a kid...
I feel so sorry to hear that :( I wish could've been there to help you..
Are you feeling alright now? :(
I think the best advice I can give you is to look forward to the future and don't stress about the things that happened in the past..
These things are bad memories (not worthy of your time)
I'm really glad I met you! Because now I have a goal as well (living together with you and making you happy)
Even though you have bad feelings about your parents..
I am grateful because they have a wonderful son ^_^
I hope your mother's boyfriend is a good person...
I hope nobody will harm you ever again~~
And do you know what? Truthfully, I believe that obstacles like (English) or (cultural differences) are easy to overcome if enough effort is put into it~
Thank you for telling your story.. my baby~~