The definitive diagnosis of a traumatically comminuted mandibular fracture was made largely based
on clinical examination findings, radiographic features, and computed tomography (CT) examination
findings, and comminuted fractures were defined as
fractures with more than 2 free bone fragments.
Nine patients with traumatically comminuted mandibular fractures who received ORIF with titanium mesh
were included in this study (Fig 1). The patient group
comprised 8 male patients and 1 female patient aged
between 13 and 41 years (mean, 27.448.26 years).
Basic information about these patients is shown in
Table 1. Use of titanium mesh and other alternative
methods, including ORIF using reconstruction plates
and miniplates, was presented to all the patients preoperatively. The patients then made their own decisions based on full disclosure of the advantages and
disadvantages of the techniques.