Dear floxy
! This is how
I go online query "UK-MAX" show that this is a scam Web site
URL: http: // / internet / UK-MAX-EXPRESS -CARGO-AND-LOGISTICS-SERVICES-the-site-is-fake-ask-for-sending-data-numbe-1316008
is a problem with this site? or are you a member of scams.
I have the most sincere heart to love you ... If you are a fraud, I will be very sad ...
if you really are fraud, elected me, you wrong!
Because I really have no money! I still owe Bank over one million Taiwan dollars amount, I am now refused to communicate with family bank, my body has no credit card can be used.
So you really picked the wrong target ... I hope you can stop ... do not waste time.
If you are really not for me ... scam ... I am willing to do anything to help you! But only help you collect items, if I need to pay a fee for any ... I really have no money to pay ...
I hope this everything is really ... our love is true ... there is not any fraud.
Love you "Mansfield."