Trailer (2-3 minutes)<br><br>Plot<br><br>Narrator: One day the mother was in front of the mirror, mumbleing<br><br>Mother: Magic mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world is me<br><br>Magic Mirror: Although you are very beautiful, but there is still a person more beautiful than you<br><br>Postmother: Who!! Who is it!! Dare to be more beautiful than me!<br><br>Magic Mirror: This person is Snow White<br><br>Mother: How could it be! You wait for me to prove that I'm the most beautiful.<br><br>NARRATOR: Next, the mother-in-law becomes a witch,<br> Prepare for evil plot how to take the prepared poison oranges to Snow White to eat<br><br>Witch: (near Snow White, pretending to fall) Oops!<br><br>Snow White: What's wrong with your mother-in-law? I'll help you up<br><br>Witch: Oh, that's a thank you! In return for you, this orange will give you to eat it!<br><br>Snow White: Really? Thank you so much.<br><br>Narrator: Snow White ate a piece of orange and suddenly fainted after a whirlwind<br><br>Narrator: Snow White gets up and looks around for no one<br> I don't know what just happened.<br> So I picked up my phone and got ready to leave.<br> Turns out i looked like a different person.<br> Look around and see what's left around, only an orange.<br><br>Snow White: This! This! Who am I!<br> The original mother-in-law just gave me to eat orange is a poison - orange son! ! !<br> :: This is an toxic orange (orange)<br><br>Role<br>Normal Snow White, Garaine.<br>Broken Snow White Max<br>Witch, right.<br>Post-Mother<br>Magic Mirror and Narrator Shankui