TRANS # MySecret BrideEP14x2P Sia Ha and Chuchai'spartsIO Police t : Hey . do you really want to be a thief ? ( HitSia Ha's head ) Look , bad boy ! ( Hit his head manytImesO Man : Habit of a robber ! People like you WilneverpreosterO Police 2 : Want to die in jail or want to die liRe Ostreet dog ?O Woman : Brat Child , parents do not teach . Look , hehit meO Man : Hell boyll What the damn satan demonspossessed him ? People liRe you Will never be goodO Police t : Stll look at him ! ( Hit Sia Ha's head ) Wantto be trapped until forgotten ? ( Hit his head again )O Sia HC :O Sia Ha : You wait and see , Ai Chail goPerthTiger Gang