The Top 10 Deadly Mistakes That Guys Make With Women
I'd like to share with you a list of deadly common
mistakes that guys make with women. These TOTALLY
hose any chance of 'getting a bit more comfortable' with
hot girls – or any female for that matter. It's mostly good
ole' common sense, but hey... we are men...
MISTAKE #1: Making Your Move Before She's
We've all been there...
You have these intense feelings for a woman, and you
think "If she only knew how I felt, she would like me
And if you're like most men, you've tried this, and you
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The Top 10 Deadly Mistakes That Guys Make With Women
realize it NEVER works in your favor. In fact, the very act
of telling her your 'feelings' can be a huge turn-off to
It's much more effective when SHE makes the first move,
that way you can sit back and let HER do most of the
In fact, a girlfriend of mine just said this to me the other
She said "I'd rather be IN LOVE with a guy than BE
LOVED by a guy."
It might be counter-intuitive, but when you've seen the
research on the differences between men and women,
you realize it's simply our biological programming.
Women are MUCH more turned on when they are the
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ones chasing YOU instead of the other way around
(Not to mention, it's a whole lot easier too...)
MISTAKE #2: Focusing Too Much Energy On
Your Skills In The Bedroom
This used to be a huge insecurity for me...
A few years back, I went through a pretty bad breakup...
And because my ex girlfriend never told me the real
reason she lost interest, I assumed it was related to my
"performance" in the bedroom...
I got pretty depressed about the whole thing, and it really
hurt my self-esteem.
It wasn't until recently I realized I had it all backwards...
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The Top 10 Deadly Mistakes That Guys Make With Women
Pleasure starts in a woman's MIND... Not in her body...
In fact, the first time I had a woman attracted to me on a
deep, primal level using Pandora's Box, I was able to
make her climax OVER THE PHONE!
MISTAKE #3: Thinking Attraction Is Based
Mostly On Looks
Ever seen a really ugly guy with a smoking hot girlfriend?
Of course you have... We've all seen it happen...
And even though I've seen it dozens of times growing up,
I STILL used to think that attraction was mostly about
Yet -- it wasn't until I was able to get a smoking hot
girlfriend for myself that I was actually able to shake this
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I still have to talk to Vin about this, but I'm pretty sure the
reason why men think this way is because that's how WE
become attracted...
We see a hot girl with a great body, and hell... we're
ready to get married!!
And so logically we assume that attraction works the
same exact way for women... But it doesn't. Not by a long
In fact... if you've ever had a woman who liked you but
then changed her mind because you said the wrong
thing...'s basically the equivalent of being with a smoking hot
girl who suddenly gets 30 years older, gains 100 pounds
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and grows a beard!
Yup it's THAT important...
I'd rather be a bald, overweight, 75 year old guy with a
deep understanding of the female mind than a tall,
athletic male model ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!
(Sure, everything else being equal, a chiseled jawline
and ripped abs will help, but it's more like icing on the
cake... Without the actual cake there's only so much of it
you can handle before you throw up!)
Because let's face it... no matter how tall, ripped and
good looking a guy is, he's still REPULSIVE to a woman
if he doesn't have a basic understanding of the
psychology of attraction...
MISTAKE #4: Chasing Women and Showing Too
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Much Interest
When someone says the word "chasing" it's very
important that you understand what it means.
When you're talking about dating, the word chasing is
basically understood to mean EMOTIONAL chasing...
So this could mean anything from calling or texting her
too much, buying her too many unexpected gifts, or even
giving her too many compliments...
It's more of an ENERGY thing above anything else... It's
something that women can feel.
And trust me, women are VERY sensitive to this type of
When a woman senses that you're CHASING HER,
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here's what goes on inside her mind:
"Ok. It's pretty obvious I've got this guy wrapped around
my finger. And yeah he might be a decent guy, but
because I can have him whenever, I'm going to see what
else is out there first..."
You have made yourself one of her OPTIONS... And let's
face it, if she's an attractive woman, she has plenty of
After getting to know many attractive women in my own
life, I've realized something that would shock most men...
The average woman has no less than a THREE guys
who are chasing her at any given time in her life... (and if
she's actively going out and meeting people, the number
can be MUCH higher!)
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That's why it's so important for you to be the ONE GUY
that's so valuable that SHE CHASES YOU...
MISTAKE #5: Not Understanding How Women
You probably already realize that men and women think
VERY differently from one another...
A man and woman can have two completely different
impressions of the same exact experience!
I remember getting stuck in an elevator with a girlfriend a
couple months ago, and after we got out, I realized that
while I was like focused on logical things like how to get
the doors open, or how to get peoples attention if it was
stuck for a long time...
She was immersed in the different emotions of the
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experience! She was experiencing fear, and at the same
time, forming an emotional bond with me and the other
couple in the elevator based on all of us sharing a scary
situation together!
The point is, while men's thinking is dominated by logic
and reason, a woman's mind is dominated and directed
And quite often, her thoughts and feelings don't even
make sense to HER!
That's why having a man who TRULY understands the
female mind on a deep level is SO RARE AND
VALUABLE to her...
...just like having a TOP MECHANIC is extremely
valuable to a RACE CAR DRIVER...
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The Top 10 Deadly Mistakes That Guys Make With Women
And even though Pandora's Box was initially created to
develop mind reading tactics, it comes with a
STAGGERING side effect...
You're going to know her EVEN BETTER THAN SHE
In fact that's a big part of what I talk about in the
Pandora's Box Video
MISTAKE #6: Impressing Women And Bragging
I get it...
You work hard on something, you want to be respected
for it, right?
Yeah of course, we're MEN. That's what we do...
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We get a promotion at work, we make some money, get
some nice things, or we create something amazing, we
want to let people know about it!
That's fine! You are certainly entitled to get your fair
share of recognition...
But there's one big catch:
NEVER brag, or try to impress the woman you're trying to
Because to a woman, this comes off like a HUGE
insecurity... (or an insecurity about something that's not
huge at all, if you catch my drift)
And even if you think you've got the most clever way of
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indirectly letting her know... DON'T DO IT!
She'll smell it a mile away... Women have a 'sixth sense'
for male insecurities.
Trust me on this one...
MISTAKE #7: Waiting For 'Destiny'
Don't laugh...
Now I'm not sure if it comes from watching too many
romantic comedies or listening to my mom...
As a young man growing up, I kind of always had it in the
back of my mind that 'the one' would just someday
magically show up in my life...
I'm dead serious here...
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I really believed that if I just focused on my own life, at
some point when I was spiritually ready, my soulmate
and I would bump into each other through some random
chance and live happily ever after...
What a crock!
The ONLY WAY you're going to end up with that
AMAZING, woman who's totally compatible with you is to
GET EXPERIENCE dating several different women so
that you can CHOOSE the one you like best!
Ok ok... Now before you start calling me cynical, on some
level I can agree...
YES, it's totally possible you'll bump into your soulmate
while you're out grocery shopping or at the mall...
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But when you do...
Don't you think you'll have a much better shot at getting
her if you know exactly what to say?
MISTAKE #8: Being The Nice Guy
When I was really struggling with women and frustrated
with dating this confused the hell out of me...
How come women are always talking about how they just
want to find a "NICE GUY" but somehow always end up
stuck with abusive losers and jerks?
It never made sense to me... until recently that is.
I was out at a party with my girlfriend and a few of her
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And after a couple drinks her best friend started
COMPLAINING about all the jerks she was dating, and
how she just wants to find a NICE GUY...
I asked my girlfriend about it later, and here's what she
told me:
"Oh yeah, that's just what girls are supposed to say. It
makes us look sweet and vulnerable to want a nice guy...
but the truth is, women don't FEEL ANYTHING for nice
guys. So most of us would rather date a jerk."
Fortunately, you don't have to be a jerk to trigger
powerful emotions in a woman...
MISTAKE #9: Making Excuses For Y