Natural drying is another umbilical cord care regimenthat uses soap and water to cleanse the skin surroundingthe stump and then cotton swab or gauze todry and let the site air-dry.13 Natural drying is the mosteconomical approach to umbilical cord care. Overall,cord separation time in the natural drying group rangedfrom 4.4 to 7.7 days11,12,14 and was shorter than that inthe alcohol group. The study conducted by Chamnanvanakijet al9 was unique because the findings showedno difference in cord separation time between the naturaldrying and alcohol groups. Although the use of noantiseptic increases the percentage of bacterial culture(E coli, coagulase-negative staphylococci, S aureus, andStreptococcus group B), the rate of omphalitis is not differentfrom that of other regimens.1,5,11−14 Because theuse of antiseptics may prolong cord separation time,increase cost, and create extra workload, the AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics1 supports natural drying care forfull-term neonates.